Emad Ghalenoei

Machine Learning | Innovation Developer | Data Scientist | Bayesian Algorithms "I turn data into insight"

About me

I have a passion for understanding the world through data. My Ph.D. in Engineering at the University of Calgary, Canada, focused on probabilistic (Bayesian) methods to train self-adaptive models. Using parallel computations such as Massage Passing Interface (MPI) on independent processors enabled me to efficiently collect millions of massive 3-D models from data.

Working as an Innovation Developer at Spatial Data AI, I have experienced amazing machine learning tasks such as 3-D point cloud data classification using Random Forest and other scikit-learn models, Image segmentation, Image Classification (Detectron2 and TensorFlow models), clustering, and object extraction.

My experiences led me to have the right skills at the right time when machine learning, probabilistic, and data-driven models gained widespread traction earlier last decade. I love solving complex and important problems and am currently focused on using probabilistic and machine learning to improve model resolution locally based on data information. This is advancing quickly and will make a tremendous impact on science, and I want to help ensure the model-data relationship is understood properly.

Project 1: Hierarchical Voronoi Classification

I introduced a new method of hierarchical classification using the Voronoi diagram. We know that the Voronoi diagram classifies variables based on the nearest neighborhood algorithm. Therefore, if we want to classify our variables into k groups, we can use Voronoi with k nodes. What if we aim to classify k groups into p larger groups? Here, the nested Voronoi can help ..

Project 3: Alpha Shape

ALpha shape can provide both convex and concave hulls depending on the alpha parameter. In cases where we do not know whether an unknown shape is convex or concave, we can use the alpha shape with the unknown alpha parameter.

Project 5: 3D Subsurface Modeling with Bayesian Algorithm

In my recent project, I developed a 3D Bayesian algorithm to image the Earth subsurface structures using gravity and magnetic data. The program starts with a random model but gradually learns from data to produce data-driven models.

check it out and see the details!


  • University of Calgary, Ph.D. in Geomatics Engineering, 2017-2021
  • Relative Coursework: Bayesian Modeling, Data Science Statistics, Probability & Discrete Mathematics, Numerical Methods
  • University of Tehran, M.S. in Geospatial Engineering, 2012-2014
  • Relative Coursework: Optical Flow, Remote Sensing, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Data Science


  • Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship, 2021
  • Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship, 2019
  • Helmut Moritz Graduate Scholarship, 2019
  • External Awards: Miscellaneous, 2019
  • 3rd Place at the Geomathon Competition, 2019
  • Teaching Award, 2018

It was my honor to receive two awards at the Geomatics Engineering
Annual Student Awards Night (2018), especially one from Prof. Michael G. Sideris.


Programming Languages

  • Python
  • Cython
  • C++
  • R
  • Julia

Technical Skills

  • Machine Learning: Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Numpy
  • Data Science: Statistics, Time series Forecasting, Autoregressive models, Classification, Signal Processing
  • Databases: MySQL, MySQL Workbench, PostgreSQL
  • Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Geoplotlib, Plotly
  • Algorithms: Reinforcement Machine Learning, Bayesian Modeling, Markov chain Monte Carlo Sampling, KNN, Triangulation, Nearest Neighbor Algorithms
  • Miscellaneous Technologies: Jupyter, Parallel Processing, Message Passing Interface (MPI), LaTeX, Overleaf, Google Colab & Python (ipynb), Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), Wavelet Analysis (pywt)
  • Softwares: QGIS, Geosoft, Surfer, ENVI


  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Bayesian Modeling
  • Computer-vision
  • Time series Forecasting
  • Predictive Anlysis
  • Anamoly detection

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